Huge-NWU Scholarship

Huge-NWU Scholarship

Nebraska Wesleyan University (NWU), in memory of Harry Huge (‘59) and honor of Reba Huge, 会提供全额奖学金来支付学费吗, fees, room and board at NWU. 大学还将为入围决赛和半决赛的学生颁发奖学金.

Start your Huge-NWU Scholarship Application

  1. Apply for admission to NWU
  2. Submit the Huge-NWU Scholarship Application by 11:59 p.m. Central on December 1.

Huge-NWU Scholarships

  • One winner receives the full-ride Huge-NWU Scholarship 包括四年的学费、杂费、食宿费.
  • Finalists receive a $24,000 academic scholarship + a $4,000 Huge-NWU Commendation Scholarship each year.
  • Semifinalists receive a $24,000 academic scholarship + a $1,000 Huge-NWU Recognition Scholarship each year.


To qualify, a student must:

  1. Have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.75 or higher (weighted on 4.0 scale). 
  2. Submit the Nebraska Wesleyan University application for admission.
  3. Submit the Huge-NWU Scholarship Application by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on December 1.
    To access the scholarship application, 学生将登录他们的NWU申请帐户(参见上述步骤2)。.

Huge-NWU Scholarship Application Information

The application consists of the following sections:

  1. Personal information and educational history
  2. Extracurricular activities, honors and awards -申请人须附上一份活动简历,概述高中期间的课外活动和学术荣誉或奖励. The activities, 荣誉和奖励应按照申请人的重要性列出,并包括活动名称, participation years, offices held, and honors or awards received.
  3. Summer programs and employment
    • Applicants will list summer programs (e.g., Girls’/Boys’ State, band camp, church camp, etc.在高中期间或之后参加的,以及参加的年份.
    • 申请人将列出学年或暑期的工作经历,并包括职位, approximate hours worked per month and dates employed.
  4. College plans 申请人应说明拟学习的学术领域和申请经济援助的意向.
  5. Two essays -申请人必须思考以下问题,并以两篇打印论文的形式回答, no longer than one page each in length.
    • 描述你生活中最重要的一件(或几件)使你取得成就的事情, values and goals, including your family, your community, 这让你想申请内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学的奖学金.
    • 选择一个你认为重要的国家或世界问题. 告诉我们你为什么选择这个问题,并详细说明你将如何实施变革的计划. 你会扮演什么样的角色,你会使用什么样的技能,成功需要什么样的资源?
  6. High school transcript -将正式的高中成绩单发送到内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学招生办公室. 成绩单必须包括三年级的所有成绩. 如果可以的话,还应该提供高年级的成绩.
  7. Two letters of recommendation
    • 推荐信应该由两名成年人撰写,他们对申请人非常了解,并且可以证明申请人的品质,比如对学习的投入, academic and leadership potential, 参加学校和社区服务的课外活动, work ethic and experience, and character.
    • The first recommendation must be from a school member (e.g. - teacher, coach, director, counselor, etc.)申请人在大三或大四期间曾在某一学科或运动队担任教授或教练.
    • 第二份推荐信必须来自社区成员——学校以外的成年人,他们在社区中认识申请人, such as a neighbor, employer, Scout leader, or religious leader.
    • Applicants must submit the Huge Recommendation Request 他们会在哪里提供提供推荐信的人的名字.  然后,推荐人将通过电子邮件收到请求通知,并将提示上传申请人的推荐信.  Recommendation letters must be received by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on December 1.
  8. Financial aid -经济需要是选择过程中考虑的一个因素. 我们鼓励(但不要求)申请人提交 FAFSA by January 15, 2024.

Selection process

由教师和管理人员组成的奖学金委员会审查申请. NWU的代表将对这些入围者进行面试,以确定获奖者.

我校将根据申请者的申请和面试,择优选出一名全额奖学金获得者. NWU强烈考虑学术成就和证书, such as an applicant’s high school rank within their class, their curriculum and GPA. NWU gives equal weight to leadership qualities, activities, community service, work experience outside of school, honors and recognition by his or her peers. NWU还评估申请人在推荐信中所展示的个人素质和兴趣, 申请人的论文以及高中内外的经历和活动. 申请人的经济需要和标准化考试成绩(如.e.(ACT和SAT)是颁发奖学金时考虑的其他因素. 在确定决赛选手和最终获胜者时,NWU没有为这些因素分配百分比权重.


入围者将于3月10日或之前在内布拉斯加州林肯的NWU校区接受面试. 面试是为了让NWU代表和申请人有机会亲自见面, ask questions and get to know each other. If, for a compelling reason, 申请人不能前往林肯进行个人面试, NWU will conduct the interview by video conferencing.

NWU will notify all finalists, by telephone and confirmation letter, 在3月20日或之前通知奖学金的最终决定.

奖学金将颁发给最符合条件的申请人,无论他们是否获得其他来源的助学金或奖学金, 就读任何学术专业课程或研究的学生或尚未决定学术专业的入学学生.

Scholarship benefits and requirements

获得全额奖学金和表彰奖学金的学生将被纳入南洋大学的“巨大社会”. As a Huge scholar, 你将得到内布拉斯加州卫斯理无与伦比的关注,以支持你的最大目标. 往届学者先后达到哈佛法学院、斯坦福大学顶尖博士学位.D. program in genetics and more.